Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Where Are These Hip Beyond Explanation Bands From?

Los Campesinos, Cardiff, Wales

The Shins, Alburquerque, New Mexico

Belle and Sebastian, Glasgow, Scotland

The Editors, Stafford, England

The Yeah Yeah Yeahs, New York City

The New Pornographers, Vancouver, British Columbia

Voxtrot, Austin, Texas

Ra Ra Riot, Syracuse, New York

Vampire Weekend, New York City

Friendly Fires, Albans, Hertfordshire, England

Spoon, Austin, Texas

Los Campesinos! Are Hip Beyond Explanation

Los Campesinos are hip beyond explanation. We Are Beautiful, We Are Doomed, is a terrific album.

The Shins Are Hip Beyond Explanation

The Shins are hip beyond explanation. Phantom Limb, Oh Inverted World, Chutes Too Narrow, and Wincing The Night Away are spectacular.